1 Greetings from Simon Peter, a servant and follower of YAHUSHA Messiah. To all of you who share in the same precious belief that we have. This belief was given to us because our Alahim and Deliverer YAHUSHA Messiah always does what is good and right.
2 Favour and peace be given to you more and more, because now you know YAHUSHA our Master.
3 YAHUSHA has the power of YAHUAH. And His power has given us everything we need to live a righteous life devoted to Him. We have these things because we know Him. YAHUSHA chose us by His esteem and goodness, 4 through which He also gave us the very great and riches and gifts that He promised us. With these gifts you can share in being like Him. And so you will escape the ruin that comes to people in the world because of their evil corruption and lusts of the flesh.
5 So because you have these blessings, do all you can to add to your life these things: to your belief add goodness - to your goodness add knowledge - 6 to your knowledge add self-control - to your self-control add patience - to your patience add devotion to YAHUSHA - 7 to your devotion add kindness toward your brothers and sisters in Messiah - and to this kindness add love. 8 If all these things are in you and growing, you will never fail to be useful to YAHUSHA. You will produce the kind of fruit that should come from your knowledge of our Master YAHUSHA Messiah. 9 But those who don’t grow in these blessings are blind and cannot see what they have. They have forgotten that they were cleansed from their past sins.
10 My brothers and sisters, YAHUSHA called you and chose you to be His, so do your best to live in a way that shows you really are YAHUSHA’S called and chosen people. For if you do all this, you will never fall. 11 And you will be given a great welcome into the Kingdom of our Master and Deliverer YAHUSHA MESSIAH, a Kingdom and reign that never ends.
12 You already know these things. You are very strong in the truth you have. But I am always going to help you remember them. 13 While I am still living here on earth, I think it is right for me to remind you of them. 14 I know that I must soon leave this body (putting off this earthly tent of flesh). Our Master YAHUSHA MESSIAH has shown me that. 15 So I’ll try my best to make sure you remember these things even after I’m gone.
16 We told you about the power of our Master YAHUSHA Messiah. We told you about His coming. The things we told you were not just clever stories that people invented. No, we saw the greatness of YAHUSHA with our own eyes. 17 YAHUSHA heard the voice of the great and powerful YAHUAH. That was when he received honour and esteem from YAHUAH the Father. The voice said, “This is my Son, the One I love. I am very pleased with Him.” 18 And we heard that voice. It came from Heaven while we were with YAHUSHA on the Set-Apart mountain.
19 This makes us more sure about what the Prophets said. And it is good for you to follow closely what they said, which is like a light shining in a dark place. You have that light until the day begins and the morning star brings new light to your minds. 20 Most important of all, you must understand this: No prophecy in the Scriptures comes from the Prophet’s own understanding. 21 For no true prophecy ever came from what some person wanted to say, but from people who were led by the Set-Apart Spirit and spoke the words from YAHUAH.