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1 These things happened during the first year that Darius son of Ahasuerus was King. Darius was a Mede by birth, but he was appointed to be the King of Babylon. 2 During his first year as King, I was studying the Scripture scrolls and noticed in YAHUAH’S message to Jeremiah that 70 years would pass before Jerusalem would be rebuilt.

3 Then I turned to YAHUAH Alahim and prayed to Him and asked Him for help. I did not eat any food. I put ashes on my head and put on the clothes that showed I was mourning. 4 I prayed to YAHUAH my Alahim and told him about all my sins. I said, "YAHUAH, you are a great and awesome Alahim. You keep your Blood Covenant of love and kindness with people who love You and guard Your Commands.

5 But we have sinned. We have done wrong. We have done evil things. We turned against You. We turned away from Your Commands and directions. 6 The Prophets were Your servants. They spoke for You to our Kings, to our leaders, to our fathers, and to the common people in our country. But we did not listen to them.

7 YAHUAH, You are innocent, and the shame belongs to us, even now. Shame belongs to the people from Judah and Jerusalem, and to all the people of Israel, to those who are near and to those you scattered among many nations. They should be ashamed of all the evil things they did against You.

8 YAHUAH, we should all be ashamed. All our Kings and leaders should be ashamed. Our ancestors should be ashamed, because we sinned against You.

9 But, YAHUAH our Alahim, You are kind and forgiving, even though we rebelled against You. 10 We have not obeyed YAHUAH our Alahim. He used His servants, the prophets, and gave us laws, but we have not obeyed His laws. 11 All the people of Israel disobeyed Your teachings and turned away from You. They did not listen to You. We sinned, so you did what You promised to do. All the curses and promises in the Law of Moses, your servant, happened to us.

12 Alahim said those things would happen to us and our leaders, and He made them happen. He made terrible things happen to us. No other city suffered the way Jerusalem suffered. 13 All those terrible things happened to us. This happened just as it is written in the Law of Moses, but we still have not asked YAHUAH our Alahim for help. We still have not stopped sinning. We still do not pay attention to Your truth, YAHUAH. 14 YAHUAH kept the terrible things ready for us - He made them happen to us. YAHUAH our Alahim did this because He is fair in everything He does. But we still have not listened to Him.

15 YAHUAH our Alahim, You used Your power and brought us out of Egypt. We are Your people. You are famous because of that, even today. We have sinned and done terrible things. 16 YAHUAH, we and our ancestors sinned against You, so Your people and Your city became a disgrace to everyone around us. You do so many good things, so stop being angry at Jerusalem, Your city, Your set-apart mountain.

17 Now, our Alahim, hear Your servant’s prayer. Listen to my prayer for mercy an compassion. For Your own sake, do good things for Your set-apart place and let Your face shine before us. 18 My Alahim, listen to me! Open Your eyes and see all the terrible things that have happened to us. See what has happened to the city that is called by Your Name. I’m not saying we are good people. That is not why I’m asking these things. I’m asking these things because I know You are kind. 19 YAHUAH, listen to me! Forgive us! YAHUAH, pay attention, and then do something! Don’t wait! Do something now! Do it for your own good! My Alahim, do something now, for Your city and Your people who are called by Your Name.”


20 I was praying to YAHUAH my Alahim about his set-apart mountain and speaking about my sins and the sins of the people of Israel. 21 That was the time of the evening sacrifices. While I was still praying, Gabriel, the one I saw in the first vision, flew quickly to me and touched me. He came at the time of the evening sacrifice.


22 Gabriel helped me understand the things I wanted to know. He said, “Daniel, I’ve come to give you wisdom and to help you understand. 23 When you first started praying, the command was given to come speak to you. YAHUAH loves you very much! You will understand this command, and you will understand the vision.

24 Alahim has allowed 70 weeks for your people and for your set-apart city, Daniel. The 70 weeks have been ordered

- to restrain the lawlessness and rebellion,

- to seal up (FINISH) the sin-offering (THE PURIFYING ANIMAL SACRIFICES),

- make people pure again from their perverse condition,

- to bring in eternal goodness and righteousness,

- to put a seal on (TO VALIDATE & AUTHENTICATE) visions and prophets, and

- to anoint the most set-apart (MAKE HIM READY FOR SERVICE)”.


25 Learn and understand these things, Daniel. From the time that the message goes out to return and rebuild Jerusalem, until the time for Messiah the Prince to come will be seven weeks (49 YEARS) and 62 weeks (434 YEARS = 483 YEARS …


Jerusalem will be rebuilt, there will be places for people to meet together again, but with much pressure and affliction. And there will be a large trench around the city to protect it. 26 And after the 62 weeks, the Messiah will be cut off and judged as guilty. He will be gone and have nothing. (THIS HAPPENED AT YAHUSHA'S DEATH)

Then the people of the coming King will destroy the city and the set-apart place. (TITUS IN 70.AD) That end will come like a flood. War will continue until the end. YAHUAH has ordered that place to be completely destroyed.

27 And He (MESSIAH YAHUSHA) will make a Covenant with many people for one week (7 YEARS). And in the middle of that week (3.5 YEARS), He’ll stop the offerings and sacrifices, (HE WAS THE LAST SACRIFICE FOR SIN AFTER A 3.5 YEAR MINISTRY) and for the overspreading wing of abomination (OVER THE NEXT 2000 ODD YEARS) He (YAHUSHA) will lay waste, until the complete end and until that which is declared (IN HIS WORD) is poured out on the desolate (UNREPENTANT MANKIND).”

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