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1 Now I will write about meat that is sacrificed to idols. It is certainly true that “We all have knowledge,” as you say. But knowledge puffs up, but love builds up the Fellowship stronger. 2 Those who think they know something do not yet know anything as they should. 3 But whoever loves YAHUSHA is known by Him.

4 So this is what I say about eating meat: We know that an idol is really nothing in the world, and we know that there is only one YAHUSHA. 5 It’s really not important if there are these so-called ‘mighty deities’ in heaven or on earth—cause apparently there are stacks of them out there. 6 But for us there is only one YAHUAH, and He is our Father. All things came from Him, and we live for Him. And there is only one Master, YAHUSHA MESSIAH, and all things were made through Him, and we have life through Him.

7 But not all people know this. Some have had the habit of worshiping idols. So now when they eat meat, they still feel as if it belongs to an idol. They are not sure that it is right to eat this meat. So when they eat it, they feel guilty. 8 But food will not bring us closer to YAHUSHA. Refusing to eat does not make us less pleasing to YAHUSHA, and eating does not make us closer to Him.

9 But be careful with this freedom of yours as it may make someone weaker in belief stumble and those who still have doubts about what they can eat fall into sin. 10 You understand that it’s ok to eat anything (ANYTHING YAHUSHA CONSIDERS FOOD OF COURSE - NOT WHAT’S UNACCEPTABLE TO EAT ... IE UNCLEAN / UNKOSHER), so you can eat even in an idol’s temple if you had too. But someone weaker who has doubts might see you eating there, and this might encourage them to eat meat sacrificed to idols too, even though they really think it’s wrong. 11 So this weaker Brother or Sister—someone Messiah died for—is lost even though you have a better understanding. 12 When you sin against your Brothers and Sisters in Messiah in this way and you hurt them by causing them to do things they feel are wrong, you are also sinning against Messiah. 13 So if the food I eat makes another believer fall into sin, I won’t eat it. If they’re weak and offended by meat (or anything) then I will stop eating it around them, so that I will not make my brother or sister stumble and judge and sin. Love is more important!


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