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Updated: May 25

1 In the past Alahim spoke to our people many times and in many different ways through the prophets.

2 And now in these last days, Alahim has spoken to us again through His Son, Who He’s appointed and made the heir of all (including the whole world and the ages). Yes! He’s chosen His Son to inherit all things.

3 For the Son is the brightness of Alahim's esteem, and the exact copy/image of His substance, essence and nature, holding and sustaining everything together by His power of His Word. YAHUSHA cleansed our sins and then sat down in all authority, honour and power (THE RIGHT HAND) of greatness on high.

4 YAHUSHA became much better than the Angels, having inherited a much better and more excellent Name than them! 5 For Alahim never said to any of the Angels, “You are My Son and today I’ve brought you forth,”  or, “I will be His Father and He will be My son!” 6 And then, when Alahim again presents His firstborn Son to the world, He says, “Let all YAHUAH’S Angels worship Him.” 7 This is what Alahim said about the Angels: “He makes His Angels winds and His servants into flaming fire.”

8 But this is what He said about His Son: “Alahim, Your Kingdom will last forever and ever.  Your sceptre of straightness and justice is the authority of Your reign. 9 You love what’s right and hate what’s wrong. So YAHUAH your Alahim, has chosen You, and anointed You with the oil of gladness and joy more than Your companions.”

10 Alahim also said, “O’ MASTER, in the beginning You made the earth, and the Heavens are the work of Your hands. 11 These things will perish and disappear, but you will remain. They will all wear out like old garments. 12 You will fold them up like a coat, and they will be changed. But You never change, and Your years will never fail.” 13 And Alahim never said to an Angel, “Sit in all authority, honour and power until I make all Your enemies a footstool for Your feet”. 14 For aren’t they all serving spirits, sent out to assist those who are about to inherit deliverance?


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