1 Early the next morning (PREPARATION DAY OF THE LAMBS BEFORE THE PASSOVER), all the Chief Priests and Elders of the people met and decided to kill YAHUSHA. 2 They tied Him up, led Him away, and handed him over to Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor. 3 When Judas (the one who betrayed Him) saw that they’d decided to kill YAHUSHA, he was distraught and so very sorry for what he’d done.
So he took the thirty silver coins back to the Priests and the Elders. 4 Judas said, “I have sinned. I handed over to you an innocent man to be killed.” But the Jewish Leaders answered, “We don’t care! That’s your problem, not ours mate!” 5 So Judas threw down the money in the Temple and ran away to a nearby field, where he hung himself and died. 6 The Chief Priests picked up the silver coins in the Temple, saying, “Our Law does not allow us to keep this money with the Temple money, because this money has paid for a man’s death.” 7 So they decided to use the money to buy a field called Potter’s Field, and this field would be a place to bury people who died while visiting in Jerusalem. 8 That is why that field is still called the Field of Blood. 9 This fulfilled what Jeremiah the Prophet said: “They took thirty silver coins. That was how much the people of Yisharal decided to pay for His life. 10 They used those thirty silver coins to buy the potter’s field, just as Alahim commanded me.”
11 So YAHUSHA stood before Pontius Pilate the governor, who asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?” YAHUSHA answered, “Yes, that’s right.” 12 Then, when the Chief Priests and the Elders made their accusations against YAHUSHA, He said nothing. 13 So Pilate said to Him, “Don’t You hear all these charges they are making against You? Why don’t You defend Yourself?” 14 But YAHUSHA did not say anything, and this really surprised the Governor.
15 Every year at Passover time the Governor would free one prisoner, whichever one the people wanted him too free. 16 At that time there was a man in prison who was known to be very evil. His name was Barabbas. 17 When a crowd gathered, Pilate said to them, “I will free one man for you. Which one do you want me to free: Barabbas or YAHUSHA who is called the Messiah?” 18 Pilate knew that they had handed YAHUSHA over to Him because they were jealous of Him.
19 And while Pilate was sitting there in the seat of judgment, his wife sent a message to him, saying, “Don’t do anything with that man. He’s not guilty. Last night I had a dream about Him, and it troubled me very much.” 20 But the Chief Priests and Elders told the people to ask for Barabbas to be set free and for YAHUSHA to be killed. 21 Pilate said, “I have Barabbas and YAHUSHA. Which one do you want me to set free for you?” The people answered, “Barabbas!” 22 Pilate asked, “So what should I do with YAHUSHA, the One called the Messiah?” All the people said, “Impale Him, Impale Him!” 23 Pilate asked, “Why do you want me to impale Him? What wrong has He done?” But they shouted louder, “Impale Him, Impale Him on a stake!”
24 Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do to make the people change. In fact, it looked as if there would be a riot. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of them all, saying, “I’m not guilty of this man’s death. You are the ones who are doing it!” 25 The people answered, “Let His blood be on us. You can blame us and even our children!” 26 Then Pilate set Barabbas free. And he told some soldiers to beat YAHUSHA with whips. Then he handed YAHUSHA over to the soldiers to be impaled on a Torture Stake.
27 Then Pilate’s soldiers took YAHUSHA into the Governor’s palace and all the soldiers gathered around Him. 28 They took off YAHUSHA’ clothes and put a scarlet red robe on Him. 29 Then they made a crown of big thorns and pushed it onto His head, and they put a staff in His right hand. Then they bowed before Him, mocking Him, saying, “All hail the King of the Jews!” 30 They spat on Him. Then they took His stick and kept beating Him on the head with it. 31 And after they finished mocking Him, the soldiers took off the robe and put His own clothes on Him again. Then they led Him away to be impaled on a Torture Stake.
32 The soldiers were going out of the city with YAHUSHA. They saw a man from Cyrene named Simon, and they forced him to carry YAHUSHA’S stake 33 They came to the place called Golgotha. (Golgotha means “The Place of the Skull.”) 34 There the soldiers gave YAHUSHA some bitter wine mixed with bile. But when He tasted it, He refused to drink it. 35 The soldiers nailed YAHUSHA to a Torture Stake. Then they threw dice to divide His clothes between them that it might fulfil what was spoken by the prophet, “They divided My garments among them, and they cast lots.” (PS 22)
36 The soldiers stayed there to guard Him. 37 They put a sign above His head with the charge against Him written on it: “THIS IS YAHUSHA, KING OF THE JEWS.” 38 Two criminals were impaled beside YAHUSHA, one on the right and the other on the left. 39 People walked by and shouted insults at YAHUSHA. They shook their heads 40 and said, “You said You could destroy the Temple and build it again in three days. So deliver Yourself! Come down from that stake if You really are the Son of YAHUAH!” 41 The Chief Priests, the Scribes, and the Elders were also there. They mocked YAHUSHA the same as the other people did. 42 They said, “He delivered others, but He can’t deliver Himself! People say He is the King of Yisharal. If He is the King, He should come down now from the stake. Then we’ll believe in Him. 43 He trusted Alahim. So let Alahim deliver Him now, if Alahim really wants Him. For He Himself said, ‘I am the Son of Alahim.’” 44 And in the same way, the criminals on the Torture Stakes beside YAHUSHA also insulted Him.
45 At noon there was darkness across the whole land, and it continued for three hours. 46 Then at three o’clock (THE TIME THE LAMBS WERE KILLED IN EGYPT ON THE FIRST PASSOVER) YAHUSHA cried out loudly, “Ali, Ali, lema sabach thani?”
GOOGLE TRANSLATE: “My Alahim, My Alahim, why have You forsaken Me (turned Your back on Me)?” (PS 22) 47 Some of the people standing there heard this and said, “He is calling Elijah.”
48 One of them quickly ran and got a sponge and filled the sponge with sour wine and tied the sponge to a stick. Then he used the stick to give the sponge to YAHUSHA to drink from it. 49 But the others said, “Just leave Him, we want to see if Elijah comes to deliver Him.” 50 Again YAHUSHA cried out loudly and then died. 51 And as soon as YAHUSHA died, the curtain (TO THE MOST SET-APART PLACE) in the Temple was torn from top to bottom (TO REVEAL NO PRESENCE AND NO ARK AND THE COMPLETE SCAM THAT THE JEWS WERE RUNNING). Also, the earth shook and rocks were broken. 52 The graves opened, and many of Alahim's people who had died were raised from the dead. 53 They came out of the graves, and (after YAHUSHA was raised from the dead) they went into the Set-Apart City, and many people saw them.
54 The army officer and the soldiers guarding YAHUSHA saw this earthquake and everything that happened. They were very afraid and said, “This was truly the Son of Alahim!” 55 Many women were standing away from Torture Stake, watching. These were the women who had followed YAHUSHA from Galilee to care for Him. 56 Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John were there.
57 That evening a rich man named Joseph came to Jerusalem. He was a follower of YAHUSHA from the town of Arimathea. 58 He went to the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate and asked to have YAHUSHA’S body. So Pilate gave orders for the soldiers to give YAHUSHA’S body to him. 59 Then Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a new linen cloth. 60 He put YAHUSHA’S body in a new tomb that he had dug in a wall of rock. Then he closed the tomb by rolling a very large stone to cover the entrance. After he did this, he went away. 61 Mary Magdalene and the other woman named Mary were sitting near the tomb.
62 On the next day, after the Preparation day, the Chief Priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate 63 saying, “Master, we remember that while that liar was still alive He said, ‘I will rise from the dead in three days.’ 64 So give the order for the tomb to be guarded well for three days. For His followers might come and try to steal the body. Then they could tell everyone that He has risen from the dead, and that lie will be even worse than what they said about Him before.” 65 Pilate said, “Take some soldiers and go guard the tomb the best way you know.” 66 So they all went to the tomb and made it safe from thieves. They did this by sealing the stone in the entrance and putting soldiers there to guard it.