1 After the Weekly Sabbath-Day, Mary Magdalene, Shalome, and Mary the mother of James bought some sweet-smelling spices to put on YAHUSHA’S body. 2 Very early on that day, the first day of the week, the women were going to the tomb. It was very early after sunrise. 3 The women said to each other, “There is a large stone covering the entrance of the tomb. Who will move the stone for us?”
4 Then the women looked and saw that the stone was moved. The stone was very large, but it had been rolled away from the entrance. 5 The women walked into the tomb and saw a young man there wearing a white robe. He was sitting on the right side of the tomb. The women were afraid. 6 But the man said, “Don’t be afraid. You are looking for YAHUSHA from Nazareth, the One Who was killed on a torture stake. He has risen from the dead! SEE! He’s not here. Look, here is the place they put Him when He died. 7 Now go and tell His followers. And be sure to tell Peter. Tell them, ‘YAHUSHA is going into Galilee and will be there before you arrive. You’ll see Him there, as He told you before.’”
8 The women were very afraid and confused. They left the tomb and ran away. They did not tell anyone about what happened, because they were too afraid. 9 YAHUSHA rose from the dead in the evening, right after the Weekly Sabbath, and He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. One time in the past YAHUSHA had forced seven demons out of Mary. 10 After Mary saw YAHUSHA, she went and told His Disciples. They were very sad and were crying. 11 But Mary told them that YAHUSHA was alive. She said that she had seen YAHUSHA, but they didn’t believe her.
12 Later, YAHUSHA appeared to two followers while they were walking in the country. But YAHUSHA did not look the same as before He was killed. 13 These followers went back to the others and told them what happened. Again, the other followers did not believe them.
14 Later, YAHUSHA appeared to the eleven remaining close Disciples while they were eating. He rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, for they were stubborn and refused to believe the people who said YAHUSHA had risen from the dead. 15 YAHUSHA said to them, “Go everywhere in the world. Spread the Good News to everyone. 16 Whoever believes and is immersed in My Name will be delivered. But those who don’t believe will be judged as guilty. 17 And the people who believe will be able to do all these things as proof: They will use My Name to force demons out of people. They will speak in foreign languages they’ve never learned. 18 If they pick up snakes or drink any poison they will not be hurt. They will lay their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
19 After the Master YAHUSHA said these things to His Disciples, He was carried up into Heaven. There, YAHUSHA sat in His Father’s Throne in all authority. 20 His followers went everywhere in the world giving all people the Gospel (Good News) of Deliverance, and YAHUSHA helped them. By giving them power to do many wonders and miracles YAHUSHA proved that their message was the truth.