1 YAHUSHA and His Disciples were coming closer to Jerusalem. They came to the towns of Bethphagi and Bethany at the Mount of Olives. There YAHUSHA sent two of His followers to do something. 2 He said to them, “Go to the town you can see there. When you enter it, you will find a young donkey that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here to Me. 3 If anyone asks you why you are taking the donkey, tell them, ‘The Master needs it. He will send it back soon.’”
4 So His Disciples went into the town and found a young donkey tied in the street near the door of a house, and they untied it. 5 Some people were standing there and saw this. They asked, “What are you doing? Why are you untying that donkey?” 6 They answered the way YAHUSHA told them, and the people let them take the donkey. 7 And they brought the donkey to YAHUSHA. They put their coats on it, and YAHUSHA sat on it.
8 Many people spread their coats on the road for YAHUSHA. Others cut palm branches in the fields and spread the branches on the road. 9 Some of them were walking ahead of YAHUSHA. Others were walking behind Him. And everyone shouted, “HOSANNA, BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF YAHUAH. 10 “BLESSED IS THE COMING KINGDOM OF OUR FATHER DAVID, IN THE NAME OF YAHUAH. HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!” 11 So YAHUSHA entered Jerusalem and went to the Temple. He looked at everything in the Temple area, but it was already late. So He went to Bethany with His twelve close Disciples.
12 The next day, YAHUSHA was leaving Bethany and He was hungry. 13 He saw a fig tree with leaves. So He went to the tree to see if it had any figs growing on it. But He found no figs on the tree. There were only leaves, because it was not the right time for figs to grow. 14 So YAHUSHA said to the tree, “People will never eat fruit from you again.” His Disciples heard Him say this.
15 When YAHUSHA and His Disciples came to Jerusalem, they entered the Temple area, and YAHUSHA began driving out the people who were buying and selling things there. He turned over the tables that belonged to those who were exchanging different kinds of money. And He turned over the benches of those who were selling doves. 16 He refused to allow anyone to carry things through the Temple area. 17 Then YAHUSHA began teaching the people and said, “It’s written in the Scriptures, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations. But you have changed it into a hiding place for thieves.” 18 When the Chief Priests and the Scribes heard what YAHUSHA said, they began trying to find a way to kill Him. They were afraid of Him because all the people were amazed at His teaching.
19 That night YAHUSHA and His Disciples left the city. 20 The next morning YAHUSHA was walking with His Disciples. They saw the fig tree that He spoke to the day before. The tree was dry and dead, even the roots. 21 Peter remembered the tree and said to YAHUSHA, “Master, look! Yesterday, You told that fig tree to die. Now it is dry and dead!” 22 YAHUSHA answered, “Believe in Alahim! 23 The truth is, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, mountain, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then Alahim will do it for you. 24 So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours. 25 When you are praying and you remember that you are angry with another person about something, forgive that person. Forgive them so that your Father in Heaven will also forgive your sins. 26But if you don’t forgive, neither shall your Father in the Heaven forgive your behaviour”.
27 YAHUSHA and His Disciples went again to Jerusalem. YAHUSHA was walking in the Temple area. The Chief Priests, Scribes, and Elders came to Him, 28 saying, “Tell us! What authority do You have to do these things? Who gave You this authority?” 29 YAHUSHA answered, “I will ask you a question too. And if you answer it, then I’ll tell you Whose authority I use to do these things. 30 Tell me: When John immersed people, did his authority come from Heaven or was it only from men? Come on ... answer Me!”
31 The Jewish Leaders talked about YAHUSHA’S question. They said to each other, “If we answer, ‘John’s Immersion was from Alahim,’ then He will say, ‘Then why didn’t you believe John and get immersed?’ 32 But we can’t say that John’s Immersion was from someone else.” (These leaders were afraid of the people, because the people believed that John was a prophet.) 33 So the leaders answered YAHUSHA, “We don’t know the answer.” YAHUSHA said, “Fantastic! Then I won't tell you Who gave Me the authority to do these things.”