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Updated: Oct 16, 2023

1 Then YAHUSHA said, “Believe Me when I say that some of you people standing here will see the Kingdom of Heaven come with power before you die.” 2 Six days later, YAHUSHA took Peter, James, and John and went up on a high mountain. They were all alone there. While these Disciples watched Him, YAHUSHA was changed. 3 His clothes became shining white, glowing whiter than anyone on earth could ever make them. 4 Then two men were there talking with YAHUSHA. They were Elijah and Moses.

5 Peter said to YAHUSHA, Teacher, it’s so good that we’re here. We’ll go put three tents here, one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 6 Peter was just `riffing’ not knowing what to say, because he and the other two were so afraid. 7 Then a cloud came and covered them. A voice came from the cloud and said, “This is My Son, My beloved. So listen to Him!” 8 Then they looked, but they saw only YAHUSHA there alone with them again.

9 As YAHUSHA and His Disciples were walking back down the mountain, He gave them these instructions: “Don’t tell anyone about what you saw on the mountain. Wait until after the Son of Man rises from the dead. Then you can everyone what you saw.” 10 So they waited to say anything about what they saw. But they discussed among themselves what YAHUSHA meant about rising from the dead.

11 They asked Him, “Why do the Scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 12 YAHUSHA answered, “They are right to say that Elijah must come first. Elijah makes all things the way they should be. But why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man will suffer much and that people will think He is worth nothing? 13 I tell you that Elijah has already come. And people did to him all the bad things they wanted to do. The Scriptures said this would happen to Him.”

14 Then YAHUSHA, Peter, James, and John went to the other Disciples. They saw many people around them. The Scribes were arguing with YAHUSHA’S Disciples as usual. 15 When the people saw YAHUSHA, they were very surprised and ran to welcome Him. 16 YAHUSHA asked, “What are you arguing about with the Scribes?” 17 A man answered, “Teacher, I brought my son to You. He is controlled by an evil spirit that keeps him from talking. 18 The demon attacks him and throws him on the ground. He foams at the mouth, grinds his teeth, and becomes stiff as a board. I asked Your followers to force the evil spirit out, but they couldn’t.”

19 YAHUSHA answered, “Don’t you people today believe anything! How long must I be patient and stay with you? Go and bring the boy to Me! … Go on!” 20 So His followers brought the boy to YAHUSHA. And when the demon spirit saw YAHUSHA, it attacked the boy even more. The boy fell down and rolled around on the ground, foaming at the mouth. 21 YAHUSHA asked the boy’s father, “How long has this been happening to him?” The father answered, “Since he was very young Master. 22 The spirit often throws him into a fire or into water, trying to kill him. Please I beg You, if You can do anything, please have mercy on us and help us.”

23 YAHUSHA said to the father, “Why did you say ‘if you can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” 24 Immediately the father cried out with tears, “I do - I do believe. Please help me to believe more!” 25 YAHUSHA saw that all the people were running there to see what was happening. So He spoke to the demon spirit, saying, “You stupid, deaf, dumb demon - I command you to get out and never enter him again!” 26 The evil spirit screamed, causing the boy to fall on the ground again, and then it came out. And the boy looked as if he was dead. Many people said, “He is dead!” 27 But YAHUSHA took hold of his hand and helped him stand up.

28 Then YAHUSHA went into the house. His Disciples were alone with Him there. They said, “Why weren’t we able to force that evil spirit out?” 29 YAHUSHA answered, “That kind of spirit can be only be forced out with prayer and fasting!”

30 Then YAHUSHA and His Disciples left there and went through Galilee. YAHUSHA did not want the people to know where they were. 31 He wanted to teach His Disciples alone for a while. He said to them, “The Son of Man will be handed over to the control of other men, who will kill Him. After three days, He will rise from the dead.” 32 But His Disciples did not understand what He meant, and they were afraid to ask Him. 33 YAHUSHA and His Disciples went to Capernaum. They went into a house, and YAHUSHA said to them, “I heard you arguing on the way here today. What were you arguing about?” 34 But His Disciples didn’t answer, because their argument on the road was about which one of them was the greatest. 35 YAHUSHA sat down and called His twelve Disciples to Him. He said, Whoever wants to be the greatest must make others more important than themselves. They must serve everyone else.”

36 Then YAHUSHA took a small child and stood the child in front of His Disciples. He held the child in his arms and said, 37 “Whoever accepts children like these in My Name is accepting Me. And anyone who accepts Me is also accepting the One Who sent Me.” 38 Then John said, “Teacher, we saw a man using Your Name to force demons out of someone. He’s not one of us. So we told him to stop, because he doesn’t belong to our group.” 39 YAHUSHA said, “Don’t stop him. Whoever uses My Name to do a miracle won’t be bad-mouthing Me will they? 40 Whoever is not against us is with us. 41 I can assure you that anyone who helps you by giving you a drink of water because you belong to the Messiah will definitely get a reward.

42 If one of these little children believes in Me, and someone causes that child to sin, it will be very bad for that person. It would be better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and be drowned in the sea. 43-44 If your hand makes you sin, cut it off. It is better for you to lose part of your body and have eternal life than to have two hands and go to destruction where the fire never stops. 45-46 If your foot makes you sin, cut it off. It is better for you to lose part of your body and have eternal life than to have two feet and be destroyed. 47-48 If your eye makes you sin, pluck it out. For it’s better for you to have only one eye and enter the Kingdom of Heaven than to have two eyes and be thrown into destruction. 49 Everyone will be salted with fire. 50 Salt is good. But if it loses its salty taste, you can’t make it good again. So, don’t lose that good quality of salty behaviour you have. And live in peace with each other.”

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