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Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Yahukanon means : ‘YAHUSHA IS KIND’

1 Later, YAHUSHA appeared again to His followers by Lake Galilee. This is how it happened: 2 Some of the Disciples were together - Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the two sons of Zebedee, and two other followers. 3 Simon Peter said, “I’m going out to fish.” The other Disciples said, “OK, we’ll go with you.” So all of them went out and got into the boat. They fished that night but caught nothing. 4 Early the next morning YAHUSHA stood on the shore. But the Disciples did not know it was YAHUSHA. 5 Then He said to them, “Friends, have you caught any fish?” They answered, “No.” 6 He said, “Throw your net into the water on the right side of your boat. You will find some fish there.” So they did this. They caught so many fish that they could not pull the net back into the boat.

7 The Disciple YAHUSHA loved very much (JOHN) said to Peter, “That man is the Master!” And when Peter heard him say it was the Master, he wrapped his coat around himself. (He had taken his clothes off to work.) Then he dived into the water and swan to shore. 8 The other Disciples went to shore in the boat also. They pulled the net full of fish. They were not very far from shore, only about 100 yards. 9 When they stepped out of the boat and onto the shore, they saw a fire of hot coals. There were fish on the fire and some bread there too. 10 Then YAHUSHA said, “Bring some of the fish that you caught.”

11 Simon Peter got into the boat and pulled the net to the shore. It was full of big fish - 153 of them! But even with that many fish, the net did not tear. 12 YAHUSHA said to them, “Come and eat!” None of the Disciples asked Him, “Who are You?” For they knew He was the Master. CLEARLY YAHUSHA MUST HAVE LOOKED SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT FOR THERE TO BE AN UNCERTAINTY AT FIRST AS TO WHETHER OR NOT IT WAS HIM! HIS RESURRECTED TRANSFORMED BODY WAS OBVIOUSLY FULLY PERFECTED AND WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL FLAWS - MAYBE HE HAD A GLOW TO HIM?!

13 YAHUSHA walked over to get the bread and gave it to them. He also gave them the fish. 14 This was now the third time YAHUSHA appeared to His Disciples after He was raised from the dead.

15 When they finished eating, YAHUSHA said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these other men love Me?” Peter answered, Yes, Master, You know that I love You.” Then YAHUSHA said to him, “Take care of My sheep!” 16 Again YAHUSHA said to him, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter answered, “Yes, Master, You know that I love You.” Then YAHUSHA said, “Take care of My sheep.” 17 A third time YAHUSHA said, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was sad because YAHUSHA asked him three times, “Do you love me?” (BECAUSE PETER HAD DENIED HIM THREE TIMES) He said, “Master, You know everything. You know that I love You!” YAHUSHA then said to him, “Take care of My sheep. 18 The truth is, when you were young, you tied your own belt and went where you wanted. But when you are old, you will put out your hands, and someone else will tie your belt. They will lead you where you don’t want to go.”

19 (YAHUSHA said this to reveal how Peter would die in order to give esteem to YAHUAH.)

Then He said to Peter, “Follow Me!” 20 Peter turned and saw the Disciple YAHUSHA loved very much (JOHN) walking behind them. (This was the Disciple who had leaned against YAHUSHA at the supper and said, “Master, who is it that will hand You over?” 21 When Peter saw him behind them, he asked YAHUSHA, “Master, what about him?” 22 YAHUSHA answered, “Maybe I want him to live until I come back. What does it matter to you? You just follow Me!”

23 So a story spread among the Disciples of YAHUSHA. They were saying that this Disciple (JOHN) would not die. But YAHUSHA did not specifically say he would not die. He only said, “Maybe I want him to live until I come back. That should not matter to you.”

24 And that Disciple is the one who is telling you all these things. He is the one who has now written them all down. We know that what he says is true. 25 There are many other things that YAHUSHA did. If every one of them were written down, I think the whole world would not be big enough for all the books that would be written.

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