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Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Yahukanon means : ‘YAHUSHA IS KIND

1 After this, YAHUSHA traveled around the country of Galilee. He did not want to travel in Judea, because the Jewish Leaders there wanted to kill Him. 2 It was time for the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles. 3 So His brothers said to Him, “You should leave here and go to the festival in Judea. Then Your followers there can see the miracles You do. 4 If You want to be well known, You must not hide what You do. So, if You can do such amazing things, let the whole world see You do them.”

5 YAHUSHA’S brothers said this because even they did not believe in Him (THAT HE WAS THE PROMISED MESSIAH & DELIVERER). 6 YAHUSHA said to them, “The right time for Me has not yet come, but any time is right for you to go. 7 The world cannot hate you. But the world hates Me, because I reveal to the people in the world that their behaviour is wicked. 8 So you go to the festival. I will not go now, because the right time for Me has not yet come.” 9 After YAHUSHA said this, He stayed in Galilee.

10 So his brothers left to go to the festival. After they left, YAHUSHA went too, but He did not let people see Him. (SUPERNATURALLY INCOGNITIO) 11 At the festival the Jewish Leaders were looking for Him. They said, “Where is that man?” 12 There was a large group of people there. Many of them were talking secretly to each other about YAHUSHA. Some people said, “He is a good man.” But others said, “No, He fools the people.” 13 But no one was brave enough to talk about Him openly, for they were afraid of the Jewish Leaders. 14 When the festival was about half finished, YAHUSHA went to the Temple area and began to teach. 15 The Jewish Leaders were amazed and said, “How did this man learn the scrolls? He never had the access or education we had!” (YAHUSHA IS THE LIVING SCROLLS !!)

16 YAHUSHA answered, “What I teach is not My own. My Words comes from the One who sent Me. 17 People who really want to do what Alahim wants will know that My Words comes from Alahim. They will know that this teaching is not My own. 18 If I taught My own bizarre ideas, I would just be trying to lift Myself up and get esteem for Myself. But if I am trying to bring esteem and honour to the One Who sent Me, I can be trusted, for anyone doing that is not going to lie, for there’s no disobedience in Him. 19 Moses gave you the Divine Law, right? But you don’t even obey that Law. For if you do, then why are you trying to kill me so bad?”

20 The people answered, “A demon is making you crazy! We are not trying to kill you.” 21 YAHUSHA said to them, “I did one miracle on a Sabbath Day, and you were all surprised. 22 But you obey the law Moses gave you about circumcision, and sometimes you do it on a Sabbath Day. (Besides, Moses is not the one who gave you circumcision, for it came from our ancestors who lived long before Moses.) Yes, you often circumcise baby boys on a Sabbath Day. 23 This shows that someone can be circumcised on a Sabbath Day to obey the Law of Moses. So why are you angry with Me for healing a person’s whole body on the Sabbath Day? 24 Stop judging by the way things look. Be fair and judge by what is really right.”

25 Then some of the people who lived in Jerusalem said, “This is the man they are trying to kill. 26 But He is teaching out in the open where everyone can see and hear Him. And no one is trying to stop Him from teaching. Maybe the Leaders have decided that He really is the Messiah. 27 But when the real Messiah comes, no one will know where He comes from. And we all know where this man is from (ie NAZARETH).28 YAHUSHA yelled out in the Temple area, saying “DO YOU REALLY KNOW ME AND WHERE I’M FROM? I’M HERE, BUT NOT BY MY OWN DECISION. I WAS SENT BY ONE WHO IS VERY REAL. BUT YOU DON’T KNOW HIM. 29 BUT I KNOW HIM BECAUSE I’M FROM HIM. FOR HE’S THE ONE WHO SENT ME.”

30 When YAHUSHA said this, the people tried to grab Him. But no one was able even to touch Him, because the right time for Him had not yet come. 31 But many of the people believed in YAHUSHA, saying, “We are waiting for the Messiah to come, and when He does, will He do more miraculous signs than this man’s done?”

32 The Pharisees heard what the people were saying about YAHUSHA. So the Chief Priests and the Pharisees sent some Temple Police to arrest Him. 33 Then YAHUSHA said, “I will be with you a little while longer, then I will go back to the One Who sent Me. 34 You will look for Me, but you will not find Me. And you cannot come where I will be.” 35 These Jews said to each other, “Where will this man go that we cannot find Him? Will He go to the Greek cities where our people are dispersed? Will He teach the Greek people there? (NO … BUT PAUL WILL!) 36 He says, ‘You will look for Me, but you will not find Me.’ He also says, ‘You cannot come where I am going.’ What does this mean?”

37 And on the Last Great Day of the festival of Tabernacles, YAHUSHA stood up and said loudly, “WHOEVER IS THIRSTY CAN COME TO ME AND DRINK. 38 IF ANYONE BELIEVES IN ME, RIVERS OF LIVING WATER WILL GUSH OUT FROM THEIR HEART. THAT IS WHAT THE SCRIPTURES SAY.” 39 YAHUSHA was of course talking about the Spirit, which had not yet been given to people, because YAHUSHA had not yet been raised to esteem. But later, those who believed in YAHUSHA would receive the Spirit.

40 When the people heard the things that YAHUSHA said, some of them said, “This man really is the Prophet that Alahim promised Moses would come”. 41 Other people said, “He is the Messiah.” And others said, “The Messiah will not come from Galilee. 42 The Scriptures say that the Messiah will come from the family of David. And they say that He will come from Bethlehem, the town where David lived.” 43 So the people were divided and did not agree with each other about YAHUSHA. 44 Some of the people wanted to arrest Him. But no one tried to do it.

45 The Temple Police went back to the Chief Priests and the Pharisees, who asked, “Why didn’t you bring YAHUSHA?” 46 The Temple Police answered, “We have never heard anyone say such amazing things!” 47 The Pharisees answered, “So He’s fooled you too! 48 You don’t see any of the Leaders or any of us Pharisees believing in Him, do you? 49 But those people out there know nothing about the Law and are cursed!”

50 But Nicodemus was there in that group. He was the one who had gone to see YAHUSHA before (at nighttime) and he said, 51 “Our Law will not let us judge anyone without first hearing them and finding out what they have done.” 52 The Jewish Leaders answered, “You must be from Galilee too! Study the Scriptures. You will find nothing about a prophet coming from Galilee.” 53 Then they all left and went home.


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