1 G’day from Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
To the Fellowship of those in Thessalonica, who are in Alahim YAHUAH our Father, the Master YAHUSHA MESSIAH. 2 Favour and peace to you from Alahim YAHUAH the Father and Master YAHUSHA MESSIAH.
3 We thank YAHUSHA for you always (as we should), because you give us good reason to be thankful: Your trusting belief is growing more and more, and the love that every one of you has for each other is also growing. 4 So we tell the other Fellowships of YAHUSHA how proud we are of you. We tell them how you patiently continue to be strong and have trusting belief, even though you are being persecuted and are suffering many troubles.
5 This is proof that YAHUAH is right in His judgment. He wants you to be worthy of His Kingdom. Your suffering is for that Kingdom. 6 YAHUSHA will do what is right. He will punish those who are causing you trouble. 7 And He will bring relief to you who are troubled. He will bring it to you and to us when He comes from Heaven for all to see, together with His powerful Angels. 8 He will come with burning fire to punish those who don’t know our Alahim YAHUAH—those who refuse to accept the Good News about our Master YAHUSHA. 9 They will be punished with a destruction that never ends, and will not be allowed to be with the Master, but will be kept away from His great power. 10 This will happen on the day when the Master YAHUSHA comes to receive honour with his Set-Apart people. He will be admired among all who have believed. And this includes you because you believed what we told you.
11 That is why we always pray for you. We ask our Alahim YAHUSHA to help you live the good way He wanted when He chose you. The goodness His power gives you makes you want to do more good through trusting belief. 12 Then the Name of our Master YAHUSHA will be honoured because of you, and you will be honoured because of Him. This can happen only by the favour of our Alahim YAHUAH, our Master YAHUSHA MESSIAH.
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