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1 Greetings from the Elder, to the lady (POSSIBLY ANOTHER BRIDAL FELLOWSHIP) and to her children, chosen by YAHUSHA.

I truly love all of you. And I’m not the only one. All those who know the truth, love you in the same way. 2 We love you because of the truth that lives in us, which will be with us forever. 3 Favour, compassion, and peace will be with us from YAHUAH the Father and from His Son, YAHUSHA MESSIAH, as we live in truth and love.

4 I was very happy to learn about some of your children. I’m happy that they are following the way of truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5 And now, dear lady, I tell you: We should all love each other. This is not a new command. It is the same command we had from the beginning. 6 And loving means living and behaving the way He commanded us. And YAHUSHA’S command is this: that you live a life of love. You heard this command from the beginning.

7 Many False Teachers are in the world now, refusing to admit that YAHUSHA MESSIAH came to earth in the flesh. Anyone who refuses to accept this fact is a False Teacher and an Anti-Messiah. 8 Be careful! Don’t lose the reward we have worked for. Be careful so that you will receive all of that reward.

9 Everyone must continue to follow only the teachings of Messiah. Whoever changes that teaching does not have YAHUSHA. But whoever continues to follow the teachings of Messiah has both the Father and Son. 10 Don’t accept those who come to you but don’t bring this teaching. Don’t invite them into your house. Don’t welcome them in any way. 11 If you do, you are helping them with their evil work. 12 I have much to say to you, but don’t want to do so with paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come visit you. Then we can be together and talk. That will make us very happy. 13 The children of your Sister (POSSIBLY ANOTHER BRIDAL FELLOWSHIP) who was also chosen by YAHUSHA, sends you all their love. Amein.

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