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Tabernacle of Mushah's Relevance

In the Tabernacle of Mushah Yahuah was teaching His people how they had to approach Him if they wanted their sins covered and not be destroyed (if they wanted deliverance).

First of all you couldn't even get through the gate without Conviction of sin and repentance . . .

1. BRAZEN ALTAR - Blood had to be shed first through animal sacrifices.

2. BRAZEN LAVER - each priest had to be cleansed and washed clean before experiencing any presence or service in the set-apart sanctuary.

3. GARMENTS were to be worn before entering the set-apart place......

4. TABLE OF SHEWBREAD - bread had to always be baked and ready.....

5. OIL OF THE MENORAH always had to be filled and burning . . . .

6. INCENSE - When it was lit, it's smoke and fragrance would waft through the curtain that divided the set-apart place from the MOST SET-APART PLACE where the Ark of the Covenant was. As this happened the room would light up from the shekinah of Yahuah (esteem/presence). All these ceremonies are now fulfilled in the life/behaviour of the Bride.


. . . . see their disobedience to the 10 Commandments and that they have been living outside of the everlasting Covenant . . . then through conviction of this:

1. Repent and be forgiven/washed clean by the blood of Yahusha.....

2. Her heart is circumsized and she is legally washed clean, adopted and grafted into the true vine through her water immersion in His true Name.

3. As she starts reading and behaving obediently, her garments are becoming white and ready for the wedding feast as Yahusha trains her through floggings, rebukings, chastisements until she bears the peaceable fruits of righteousness (the fruit is her behaviour) .......

4. Shewbread = the living Word Yahusha is our bread of Life, we treasure it more than food or drink and just as the manna from heaven sustained Yisharal in the wilderness, Yahusha's instructions sustain us and prepare His Bride today.......

5. The Menorah has many meanings but Yahusha is our light and the life burning within us and we must keep the oil (His word/Instructions and how we behave them) fresh in our vessels (wise and foolish maidens).

6. The Insence is our prayers (communication) to Yahusha and the relationship we have with Him through listening and obeying through our behaviour which is greatly helped through the training of the 3 rules which are a summary of all Scripture, helping the Bride to behave.

Of course we know that the curtain to the Most Set-Apart Place has now been rent making access to the Shekeniah/Esteem of Yahusha available for all people (symbolised in the Tabernacle of Daud(David)). A downpayment of His esteem/essence/ruach sits on the throne of our hearts (the only true dwelling place today) and He seeks to possess us and inhabit us for His purposes . . . It all started with blood, which is the blood of communication, that bridges the gap between mankind and the Father, through the doorway of the broken body and shed blood of Yahusha - our mediator of the renewed Covenant . . . which grants us direct access to the throne of Yahusha Himself and we are to come boldly, for Yahusha's Bride are now Kings and Priests, carrying the precious light of Yahusha's Turah through their behaviour to the highways and byways of this darkened world.

So what should her behaviour look like ???

Disobedience and unbelief through our behaviour puts us outside of the camp, outside the gates and open to all sorts of curses and sicknesses that Yahusha promises to protect His Bride from if she will hear His voice, be obedient, and reside within the high walls of Turah-Protection - not stepping off the pathway of redemption she has been sown on to . . .

As was stated by Christopher last week: "Without the Set-Apart Spirit (Ruach haQodesh) it is impossible to hear the voice of Yahusha. Turah instruction commands us to Repent and be Immersed into the Name of Yahuah Messiah and we will receive the gift of the Set-Apart Spirit. Without doing this it is impossible to hear His Voice" . . .

By Mark Davidson



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