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Who do you say Yahusha is?


"THE ALEF TAU IS UNDERSTOOD AS BEING THE SPEAKER" And here we have the designer of the language of love, speaking to us through his chosen prophet Zakaryah.

MOST IMPORTANTLY WE NEED TO LOOK AT WHERE THE ALEF TAU IS PLACED IN SCRIPTURE WHICH REVEALS IT IS YAHUAH TALKING TO US, SO LOOK AT WHERE THE ALEF TAU IS PLACED IN ZAKARYAH 12:10 ......... "And I shall pour on the house of Daud and on the inhabitants of Yerushalayim a ruach of favour & prayers.AND THEY SHALL LOOK AT ME ..........(The Alef Tau is placed here and we know that it is Yahuah speaking) ............. WHOM THEY PIERCED .............(wow what a thing to say back then,but it makes sense to us today because of Yahusha Messiah). And they shall mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son. (this is also amazing) ............... And they shall be in bitterness over Him as a bitterness over a first - born. (Wow this speaks volumes today).

If we look AT THE CONTEXT of Chapter 12 we find Yahuah is speaking through Zakaryah against Yisharal (As you know they had split into 2 nations breaking Covenant). Verse 1. says,"The message of the word of Yahuah against Yisharal.Yahuah says .......... "see I am making Yerushalayim a cup of reeling to all the people all around" ......... and tells us that this is the siege of Yahudah against Yerushalayim......... and it shall be in that day that I make Yerushalayim a very heavy stone for all peoples - All lifting it are severely injured............................................................................ All of this happened as the prophet said, in the "Babylonian Captivity" but a very interesting fact pops up in verse 10 that makes us realise from the end of verse 3 where it says, "And all the nations of the arets shall be gathered against it" (Yisharal that is)........Yahuah changes His tone and starts talking about the future END TIME DESTRUCTION .................. How do we know this? Yahuah keeps saying "AND IN THAT YOM (day)" Remembering now that verse 10 is being said by Yahuah ....... starting from 9."And it shall be in that yom that I seek to destroy all nations that come against Yerushalayim. 10. And I shall pour on the house of Daud and on the inhabitants of Yerushalayim a ruach of favour and prayers ............ This is where this verse gets very interesting and inspiring ............ "YAHUAH SAYS "AND THEY SHALL LOOK AT ME"........... After the word "ME" there is placed an "ALEF TAU" meaning Yahuah himself is speaking ........... Then Yahuah says ........"WHOM THEY PIERCED." ........................Do you actually get this brothers and sisters? Here we have THE FATHER IN SHAMAYIM (The heavens), TELLING US, THAT HE IS THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO BE PIERCED............... Here we have prophecy from Yahuah by Zakaryah where YAHUAH IS TELLING US THAT HE IS COMING TO EARTH AS YAHUSHA AND THAT HE WILL BE PIERCED...........................

Yahuah hides so many wonderful things for us in His Word and if we have His Ruach He reveals them to us. Here in this Scripture we can be assured that Yahuah is telling us that He is Yahusha coming to deliver us from our sins, in the flesh. That is why every evil thing ran for it's life when Yahusha was around and no power of sickness or evil could hold it's own against Yahusha. Everyone who came to Him was healed................Point being that Yahusha is still operating today this same way through our belief.


By Chris Hilton . . .

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